
CI使徒比爾雷奇Bill Lackie對台灣的預言

1. 主的火要在台灣新婦身上大大的燃起。 這些被點燃的新婦及餘民,在禱告及敬拜裡要被連結進來並震動世界的系統。 當我在靈裡收到這信息時,我聽起來祂像對台灣信徒的一個託付,一個功課,一個任務。這火同時也會暴露所有的信徒生命當中的黑暗隱藏面;讓這些信徒可以轉而勇敢面對他們生命中的罪。當信徒願意呼求祂的名的時,神的恩慈還有神的愛,也會大有能力的拯救這些人。神的話說,會有聖靈及火大大充滿我們。在舊約裡,我們知道摩西曾看到燃燒的荊棘。那荊棘雖然被燃燒, 本身卻沒有焚毀.我們在天上的神是一個燃燒的神。火是為要點燃我們心中原本預備好給祂的熱情。除了深情,還有個副產品: 這火同時也會燒去所有在我們裡頭對神愛的攔阻。在神給我的異象裡頭,我看到差不多有一萬五千到兩萬人被主的愛火燃燒。所以在台灣也是有這麼多的人會集結在一起。若不是在台北就在台北的近郊,有一萬五到兩萬人聚集,當這些被主火燃燒的人一起禱告的時候,神說祂們的禱告會震動世界的系統。我的肉體當時也感受到那樣子的震動在發生。

2. 台灣會有新的科技工業中心出現。這新科技會在市場上占有領先地位。電腦工業要開始走下坡了。但新的科技會迎頭趕上。 神的心意是要將新的發明首先交給基督徒。很多的基督徒在今年會得以發明最尖端的新科技。在聖荷西我認識一個人,去年他有一項發明並得到一群投資者的支持。所以他的發明就可以上市並賣到兩億五千萬美金。不要小看神可能給你的!這位男士在美國聖荷西很多的工廠工作過,累積了經驗,神就給他一個非常特殊的卓越的發明。

3. 在台灣的教會領袖會得到雙倍的信心。這會使我們的領導階層可以有一個集合團結的大信心,來承受迎接並擁抱神的超級偉大的計畫。 當神把這個異象給我看的時候,我看到的是一個很特殊的物質,這物質好像是可以摸得到的,那物質要分給台灣的不同教會的領導們。我們當中是不是有些人會覺得你欠缺信心? 但神正是要鼓勵你,因為新的信心已經來了! 這樣的信心在信徒身上會使他變得非常的勇敢。 這勇氣會促使他們進到新的,更深層的順服。當信徒們得到這新信心的時候,你就會有新的熱情、新的自在,跟著神的命令及水流向前行.

4. 我同樣也看到有一個從主那裡來的愛的浪潮要席捲整個台灣島。 我非常認識韓國,但我在這裡不是說台灣會變得像韓國。韓國的通病就是爭競。爭競嫉妒會阻擋而且殺死神的愛的浪潮。當我們有完美主義的傾向,在個人努力追求完美的個性裡,不要讓嫉妒競爭以及指責人的精神進來,因為這會攔阻神要釋放的愛。台灣本土大教會的愛再次被喚醒,而且它會影響到中國大陸許多的教會。這是一個超自然從主來的愛,會增加力量使得我們可以用祂的慈悲、祂的憐憫向外伸展。台灣,預備好! 神的愛要來了!

5. 在台灣的青年當中有騷動發生,因為他們向神更多哭求要有神超級大能力降臨。所以台灣的年輕人要持續不斷地向神呼求,祂新的觸摸、新的動作在台灣發生。因為這呼求我們就看到神的大能大力,在這世代大大展示出來.

6. 同時我看到一個迫害的雲,開始升起在中國大陸上面。因著這個圖像,所以台灣和中國大陸會有一個冷戰發生。身為一個先知,我命令台灣的代禱者們要開始迫切的為中國大陸的地下教會禱告。因著這些禱告,神的手就會進入其中幫忙面對。神的力量要來對抗政治上的冷漠,來釋放祂新的同在在其中。所以當我看到教會在為中國大陸禱告的時候,我看到其實是神在釋放祂的同在能力,來改變並攻擊中國大陸的政治上的冷漠。這樣敵對的勢力與意識,會促使上帝終於將中國大陸對台灣冷漠敵視從根拔除。 所以我也看到,中國大陸對台灣政局一直的威脅最終要結束。

7. 我同樣也看到平凡”草根”信徒的禱告。這樣的禱告,會把亞洲國家都聯合起來,一同進入神的愛火當中。所以在整個太平洋地帶,我們都會開始聽到關於神極大的同在。神正在整個亞洲釋放祂極大代禱的恩膏以及行動。從現在開始的幾個月之內,我們會看到信徒們在太平洋國家裡頭開始經歷極大的重建。我同時也看到神極大的榮耀還有祝福降臨台灣屬靈的高處。這會帶來極大的堅持的力量被釋放出來。在島上神同在的榮耀,會帶出天使同在的增加。 在台灣的信徒長時期以來一直在為釋放逃城來禁食禱告。此時此地,已有神的榮耀被釋放出來。我在異象裡頭看到金色陽光像箭一樣被射下來,在台灣各處被傾倒下來。

8. 今年台灣會有好幾個大颱風。但是聖徒的禱告會使災害減低。這些奇特的颱風是我們的敵人送來的。神的禱告大軍就要把這潛在的威脅解除掉。結果就會有很多人在台灣開始大大的歸讚美給主,因為主保護了台灣而且施恩給台灣。

9. 上次我來的時候,就是去年,曾預言會有一個大地震襲擊台灣。這次在異象裡,我看到未來因著大家的禱告,有一個8.3級的大地震,震央在南投,要被平息掉。這南投的大地震如果沒有被禱告翻轉的話,它的餘震就會影響到遠方的臺東以及墾丁。同時因著這樣的地震,敵人就想同時把海嘯 一起送來席捲台灣東南的海域,帶出極大的災害。所以要禱告,禱告,再禱告!就會看到神保護的手。














Christian International (CI) Prophet Bill Lackie
Word of God to Taiwan, at Taipei Bread of Life Church
Copy Right belongs to CI Spiritual Research Institute
Welcome to Use it for Praying for Taiwan, not for Commercial Purposes

This year the fire of the Lord will be ignited with His bride. There will be a gathering of His bride and remnant in prayer and worship that will begin to shake the systems of the earth. This fire will expose hidden areas that believers have allowed in their lives within confronting their sin. The grace and love of God is powerful to deliver all who will call upon His name.

Industrial centers with new technology will arise within Taiwan and will begin to take the lead in the market. There will be a decline in the computer industry and an increase in new technology. The purpose of God is give the Christians the inventions first. Many Christians will invent some of the cutting edge technology of this year.

Double portion faith coming to the leadership of this nation causing their corporate faith to embrace His mega purposes. This faith will be characterized with a boldness that will propel believers into new levels of obedience to birth God's purpose through them. As you feel this faith lift you up with enthusiasm and ease go with His flow.

A wave of the love of the Lord will sweep all over the island of Taiwan. It will awake the passion of the great church within Taiwan and churches all over China. This love is a supernatural empowering from the Lord to reach out with His heart of compassion. Get ready for a flood of His love.

There is a stirring of the youth in Taiwan crying out for a real impact of God's mega power. The will begin to arise as one within Taiwan continually crying out for the new touch and the new move of God mighty presence. As a result we will see mighty demonstrations of God's power through this generation.

A cloud of persecution is on the rise and headed toward mainland China causing a cold war to increase between Taiwan and mainland China. I am mandating the intercessors of Taiwan to begin to pray for the underground church of Mainland China. Because of these prayers the move of God will confront this political coldness and release the new wave of God's presence.

A wave of grass roots prayer will unite the Asian countries with the fire of the Lord. Stories of God's mighty presence will begin to spread all over the pacific rim. God has released his mighty intercessory move throughout Asia. Within the next few months the believers within these countries will begin to experience a mighty reformation within the countries of Asia.

Great blessing of God's Glory falling in spiritual high places releasing the angelic forces of heaven to earth. This glory will cause an increase of angelic presence throughout this island. People have been praying and fasting for this “city of refuge” release. That release of God's glory is here.

Several Tornadoes cited for Taiwan in 2010 but prayers of the saints prevent their damage. These unusual storms are being directed by the enemy. God's prayer army can turn around their potential damage. There will be a great praise on the lips of many throughout Taiwan for God's grace and protection.

Prevailing Prayer will stop the threat of an 8.3 earthquake with an epicenter in Nantou....sending aftershocks as far as Taitung and Kenting. Along with this earthquake the enemy would like to send a tsunami to the southeastern shore of Taiwan causing great damage. Again pray pray pray and you will see God's hand of protection and prevention.

Changes in weather patterns all over the island of Taiwan. These unusual weather patterns of wind, excessive rain and even snow are a sign of God changing the elements of the earth. The earth is groaning for the manifestation of the Sons of God

Research and cure of rare diseases from the medical staff in Hsinchu will be scheduled for this year. Areas of cancer, aids, viruses will have a cure as these talented researchers discover God's cure for these problems.

New Face of the Body of Christ
-Kingdom of God replacing
-Church Age

Within the next month there will be a slump in the stock market with an upswing by November. Don't be concerned with this sharp change in the economy as God is allowing this slump to test people and their loyalty to Him.

Breakthrough in Morality
-Honoring the ceremony of marriage
-Decrease of the number of abortions in Taiwan
-Basics of Communication, Caring, Giving and Living for one another and the Lord

Greater Hunger for God's Word. Bible studies will arise all over the island. The hunger to learn God's word will pull on the teachers that God is raising up in this hour to spread God's word quickly.

Revival to the College Campuses. The angels of the Lord are moving quickly to impact the campuses of Colleges all over this nation. Look to see this stirring within the youth.

New Wind of the Spirit blowing through the churches of Taiwan. You will begin to experience signs, wonders and miracles. This wind of the spirit will cause the church to experience hours of Gods mighty presence and transforming power.

The Walls of Denominational-ism Falling. Begin to Rejoice

Ushering In The Emperor King Jesus...the Soon Coming King

The Joshua generation will begin to arise within Taiwan and will arise as the leadership of tomorrows church. The face of how we conduct church will change radically in the next 10 years.

The government systems of the world are beginning to shake. Within the next month all over the world you will begin to see nations begin to sway under the pressure that God is allowing to build and bring change. It is time to turn to the King of King upon whose shoulders will carry the governments of the world. He is in control.

A supernatural joy resulting for God manifest presence will begin to settle upon the body of Christ. This joy will become our strength and will lift us above the heaviness of the darkness of this age. Continually count it ALL JOY as you face trials and tests. This joy will transform you from within causing a zeal in serving the Lord.

Copy Right belongs to CI Spiritual Research Institute
Welcome to Use it for Praying for Taiwan, not for Commercial Purposes

